MOPS / MOMS-Next meets twice a month on Thursday’s from 9:30AM - 11:30AM. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and by preschoolers we mean kiddos from birth through kindergarten. But we don't stop there! This year we are adding MOMSnext to our MOPS program - this is a space for moms whose parenting journey focuses more on the rhythm of elementary through the high school years.

Our theme this season is “SAY YES!” It’s amazing how one little word can change your life. But too often, our ‘yes’ is reserved for default decisions we aren’t intentionally making or the stuff we feel obligated to do. What if we started saying ‘yes’ to the important things? Yes, to parenting on purpose. Yes, to out-of-your-comfort-zone opportunities. Yes, to your marriage. Invitations to connect with others? Yes, please. We’re not talking about people-pleasing or over-extending yourself. In fact, it’s the opposite. Developing a ‘yes’ mindset is living intentionally, focused on your goals for yourself and your family. It’s about listening to God’s still, small voice and doing the brave things rather than the easy things.

Now is your opportunity to develop a spirit of adventure and make new memories. Now is your chance to invite your kids along for the thrill that comes with doing hard things. Persevere and “say yes” to the next small brave step God asks you to take. Join us as we journey through this blessed season of motherhood together!

There is a $32 annual fee to obtain a MOPS membership. This small investment in yourself will give you access to: MOPS in-person gathering at The Cause, Momma Meet-Ups in your area (online), MOPS member website, MOPS quarterly print magazine and bi-monthly encouraging texts!

Sign up with code Q0SH to join our group!